In the midst of pure grandeur
I am happy and proud to hold the All My Shadows CD in my hands.
This CD – and this band – were a long cherished dream of mine, which finally became reality. Neither would have been possible without the support and commitment of many people, whom I would like to thank here.
First of all, I like to mention Andy, who shared my idea and vision from the very beginning with the greatest possible drive and full of energy. We have been writing songs together for over 30 years, and we still come up with new ideas … Unbelievable.
Andreas, Frank and Markus – what a fantastic line-up. To have such musicians as companions makes everything so much easier. And with Markus and his Bazement-Studio, we have the perfect place to produce CDs.
Frontiers Records – without you, all this would not have been possible anyway. Thank you for giving us this great opportunity.
Alexis, Miri, Flo, Hardy, Steffen Egle – that we were able to produce two videos, that is also your merit. Without your support this would never have been possible.
Stan, Jannik – the CD and the pictures are fantastic.
The “Farewell”-Choir: Charlotte, Daniel, David, Manuel, Nektarios, – with your talent, this song became as we had imagined it.
Max and Dirk – you are making a lot of things so much easier for us.
I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone.
And I hope that this CD was only the beginning of All My Shadows.
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